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R4R 2024
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*By Registering for the Event, you are acknowledging that you have read the contest rules & regulations.*

View Rules & Regulations Below

Reeling for Recovery Annual Ice Fishing Contest

Saturday February 24th, 2024, 5AM- Sunday February 25th 2:30PM


Fish ANYWHERE on Chazy or Chateaugay Lake bodies of water – All NYS GAME LAW APPLY.
All lake trout, pike, and perch must be brought into weigh in station alive. You have right to release and/or keep the fish after it has been weighed in.



Lunker Pool Additional $10 dollars for all contestants (Not Available the day of the derby) with a choice of three prizes totaling over $3000 in value. The largest fish (species) of the day will decide first on which prize is claimed first with the second largest fish deciding thereafter. Contest applications are accepted at participating sponsors.


Reeling For Recovery Rules and Regulations:

1. The contest is limited to 1,000 Adult Anglers and 200 Child Anglers on a first-come, first-served basis.


2. All fishing is to take place ONLY on the Great Chazy Lake and both Chateaugay Lake bodies of water.


3. Contestants may fish anywhere on either lake.


4. Contest runs from 5:00am on Saturday, February 25th, 2023, to 2:30 PM February 26 th . Contestants may be on the ice,
holes drilled and cleaned, but there are no tip-ups allowed in the water prior to 5:00am


5. All New York State DEC laws apply.


6. You will be issued a tag after registration that MUST be worn on the day of the contest. Anyone fishing without a tag
will be disqualified. If someone without a tag is fishing in a group, the entire group can be disqualified. There can be as
many people in your group as you want who are not participating in the contest if they are not fishing.

7. Only one entry per registrant’s name is allowed. You may purchase multiple tags for multiple people, but each entry
form MUST have an exclusive name to it.


8. Tags can be picked up at participating retail locations when you sign up for the contest. If you sign up online your tag
will be available, the weekend of the derby. This year we will have a registration table setup the day of the contest for any
tags that have not been picked up. If you have an extenuating circumstance, please reach out to the event officials if you
have any issues picking up your tag or need special arrangements made. We will do what we can to make it as easy as
possible for you.


9. Once you receive your tag you are registered to fish in the Reeling for Recovery event. There will be no need to check-
in or register the morning/day of the contest. There is NO transferring of tags.


10. There will be two weigh stations for the contest; one in front of state boat launch on the Chazy Lake and one on the on
Chateaugay Lake on Youngs road access point. Please direct your attention to signal flares at the start of event.


11. All fishing must be done in the open view of officials or contestants will be disqualified. Contestants can be in an ice
shanty but are not allowed to spear fish as fun as it may sound.


12. There will be official clocks at both weigh stations that can be viewed by everyone. All start times, end times, and
hourly changes will go by the official clocks with no exceptions. You must be at either weigh station with fish no later
than 2:30pm and zero seconds to qualify. PLEASE SYNCHRONIZE YOUR WATCHES TO THESE CLOCKS.


13. A total of seven (7) lines are allowed per each person with a contest tag; any seven (7) line combination of jig poles
and tip-ups is allowed.


14. All fish must be weighed in on the official scales at weigh stations by event officials. In the event of a tie in weight
and length, the first fish entered during the derby will win.


15. All fish entered become the property of the event officials who can/will release the fish back into the Great
Chazy/Chateaugay Lakes. The top three fish in each adult category and three fish from each kid’s category will be
displayed at the Legion weigh-in station available to be picked up or release at the end of the event.


16. Fish may not be held for entry in another contest. When a fish is caught, it must either be entered for that hour or
released immediately back into the lake.


17. For 2024, Cash will be awarded every two hours in the adult category based on largest fish out of each lake. 1st prize- $200; 2nd prize- $100; 3 rd prize- $50 for adults. The perch category will be 1 st prize- $200, 2nd prize- $100 and 3 rd prize- $80 in the adult category which will be handed at the award ceremony. Kids category will remain the same having three separate categories which includes cash and prizes for $100 1 st and $50 2 nd place, and $40 3 rd . All numbers above are based on reaching minimum number of 250 anglers.


18. Cash prizes and promotional prizes will be awarded at 3:30pm at Legion in Lyon Mountain. Door prizes will be awarded during the same time with a random drawing. Door prizes not picked up by 6:00pm will become the property of the event committee. At the event, there will be whiteboards at both weigh stations that will list several winners
throughout the day (corresponding to tags.)


19. You must be present to win contest prizes (including for the Lunker prizes.) Identification may be required to claim


20. In the event that a placement is not awarded due to the lack of entries, money will be awarded as determined by event


away at Legion at 12- noon on Saturday February 25 th 2023, BY RANDOM DRAWING (contest tag numbers.)


22. Any unsportsmanlike conduct, as determined by the event officials, will be cause for disqualification. This includes
littering. If you are caught littering, you and/or your team will find themselves permanently banned from the contest.


23. Please practice social distance guidelines to reduce the spread of the COVID virus. Please refer to local state and
county regulations if you are unaware of the exact regulations that you need to follow during an event of this nature.


24. The event committee reserves the right to revise contest rules as necessary.


25. In consideration for receiving permission to participate in the Reeling for Recovery Tournament and Events during
February 24/25th 2024, I hereby release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Reeling For Recovery, its officers,
servants, agents and sponsors (hereinafter referred to as "releasees") from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions
and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or relating to any loss, damage or injury, including death, that may be
sustained by me, or to any property belonging to me, whether caused by the negligence of the releasees, or otherwise,
while participating in the tournament and events, or while in, on or upon the premises where the tournament and events
are being conducted, while in transit to or from the premises, or in any place or places connected with the tournament and


26. I am fully aware of risks and hazards connected with being on the premises and participating in the tournament and
events, and I am fully aware that there may be risks and hazards unknown to me connected with being on the premises
and participating in the tournament and events, and I hereby elect to voluntarily participate in the tournament and events,
to enter upon the tournament and events premises and engage in activities knowing that conditions may be hazardous, or
may become hazardous or dangerous to me and my property. I voluntarily assume full responsibility for any risks of loss,
property damage or personal injury, including death, that may be sustained by me, or any loss or damage to property

owned by me, as a result of my being a participant in the tournament and events, whether caused by the negligence of
releasees or otherwise.


27. I further hereby agree to indemnify and save and hold harmless the releasees and each of them, from any loss, liability,
damage or costs they may incur due to my participation in the tournament and events, whether caused by the negligence
of any or all of the releasees, or otherwise.


28. It is my expressed intent that this Release shall bind the members of my family and spouse, if I am alive, and my heirs,
assigns and personal representative, if I am deceased, and shall be deemed as a Release, Waiver, Discharge and Covenant
Not to Sue the above named releasees.
In signing this release, I acknowledge and represent that:
A. I have read the foregoing release, understand it, and sign it voluntarily as my own free act and deed;
B. No oral representation, statements or inducements, apart from the foregoing written agreement, have been made;
C. I am at least eighteen (18) years of age and fully competent; and
D. I execute this Release for full, adequate and complete consideration fully intending to be bound by same.


29.The event committee reserves the right to revise contest rules as necessary.


30. Fish will be measured by length first then weight. If the event of a tie, on both weight and length then the event
organizer and two judges will proceed to determine the winning fish. Judges have the final ruling in all weigh- in

Amount enclosed: _______________________ Bracelet number issued:_____________________
Name (printed)_____________________________Name (signature)_____________________________
Full Address___________________________________________________________________________
Names of Participating Children:___________________________________________________________
Please Check all that may apply:       
( )……………….…………………………………....Enclosed is my entry fee of $30 dollars only eligible for cash out
( )…………………..…………………………………….……………….Enclosed is my child’s entry fee of $10 dollars
( )…….……………………………….…………………..………Enclosed is (  ) number of entries for the lunker pool
( )……………………………...…………………………….………….Enclosed is a donation for Reeling for Recovery
( )……………………….…..….Enclosed is $20 to pre-order the 2023 Reeling For Recovery long sleeve in ____ Size
Please make all checks payable to Reeling for Recovery. Registration forms turned in at participating sponsors will

be able to pick up day of submission. Registration forms can now also be found online:

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